It is fascinating to 알바사이트 envision what the next decade holds for women, and consider which female-dominated occupations are going to be on that list in 2030. More companies are seeing the value in having more women in the C-suite, and are showing they can make headway in achieving gender diversity. Today, 87% of companies are strongly committed to gender diversity, up from 56% in 2012, the first time McKinsey & Company conducted a similar survey about womens status in the workplace.
Below are the top five jobs with the biggest gender wage gaps, insights on why men are valued more, and actions women can take. Zippia, the popular job-search website, has analyzed data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics and American Community Survey to find out how much men and women earn across all of America. Below are the 10 states with the largest and smallest gender pay gaps.
The survey found that men and women rated the same characteristics for jobs at nearly the same rates. About the same shares of men (30%) and women (35%) rank having a good benefits package as the most important factor to them in evaluating jobs. Similar shares of men and women rate it as extremely important to have a job that offers opportunities to advance (25% for men, 22% for women) or pay well (18% for men and women).
Women are more likely than men to say having a job that helps the community is extremely important to them (24% vs. 19%). For instance, roughly half of Millennial men (48%) and women (52%) say having a job that they like doing is extremely important to them. Millennial women are especially more likely than men across generations to say having a job that helps the community is extremely important to them (29% of Millennial women, compared with 19% of Millennial and Generation X men, and 17% of Boomer men).
It is no secret that women are far less likely than men to get hired for jobs, even when candidates have exactly the same qualifications. If women observe this happening in their own workplaces, it makes sense they would be less likely to apply for jobs they are unqualified for. Even though women are earning higher college degrees than men, and they have been for decades, they are still less likely to get hired in entry-level jobs.
Women are overrepresented in higher-level positions, and are hired for lower salaries than men. For women of color, this number is even lower: Only 68 Latina women and 58 Black women are promoted to managers out of every 100 entry-level men promoted to the same jobs.
Men have filled 30% of the new jobs at positions that are normally held by women in the past eight years. The research found that almost one-quarter of the new jobs in traditionally male-dominated professions, like CEOs, lawyers, surgeons, web developers, chemical engineers, and producers, were filled by women from 2009 to 2017. In gender experiments, women employers were far more likely to hire women than men employers.
When told that men performed somewhat better than women, on average, at sports or mathematical tasks, employers were far less likely to hire female workers than hire male workers, even when two separate workers had similar scores at an easy test. According to a study in When Gender Discrimination Is Not About Gender, employers favored men not because they were biased against women, but because they had a perception that men performed better on average at some tasks.
The gender gap can open up on a variety of issues, but new Pew Research Center surveys show that men and women broadly agree about what they value in a job. Coffman, who has conducted other studies exploring gender roles, hopes that this finding will prompt corporate executives to look more closely at whether people making hires within their organizations share common beliefs about men and women that could influence their decisions about job candidates.
Many of the occupations listed are well-paying, male-dominated roles, which can sometimes harbor gender stereotypes that affect how they treat women. While some of the gendered jobs are obviously rooted in stereotypes–for example, women as nurturers, men as financial decision-makers–others appear more haphazardly assigned. Whether because of stereotyping, society, preferences, or some combination of the above, some jobs are just disproportionately filled by a single gender.
Some jobs, like electricians and auto-service technicians and mechanics, employ far too few women for earnings to be comparable. The tilting could account for some of the most striking differences, like marketing managers being the most male job, or accounting and auditing being the most female job, both of which do not correlate strongly with any one sex. Women and men still tend to be concentrated in separate jobs and fields, a trend known as occupational segregation.
P2P rates are higher for men and women in northern North America and the European parts outside the European Union (Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, and Northern Cyprus), but the gender gaps are also wider in those regions. Although full-time female employment trails more than men in Northern America and the non-EU European countries, both regions are in the top three places women are more likely to work. Across regions, the gap for women in top jobs is largest in South Asia, where their P2P rates trail those of men by 26 percentage points.
Womens shortage of good jobs is smaller, by seven points, in Sub-Saharan Africa, but even there, P2P rates are the lowest globally for both women and men in this region. Women in the United States account for almost half the workforce in the entry-level jobs, yet make up just one-fifth of C-suites.
When faced with unconscious biases and limited support from their workplace, reaching the top may feel like a reachable goal, even for the most ambitious women. All three of these barriers, which collectively make up 78% of the reasons why women do not apply, stem from believing the qualifications are true requirements, and seeing the hiring process as more “by-the-book” and faithful to on-paper guidelines than it actually is.